Sunday, March 29, 2020

Organic Chemistry: How Does Nomenclature Help Students?

Organic Chemistry: How Does Nomenclature Help Students?Many courses in Organic Chemistry include the definition of 'nomenclature' as part of the syllabus. Nomenclature is the traditional, time-honoured method of classifying things. It differs from other methods in a number of ways.The most important thing about nomenclature is that it gives the student a feel for what a chemist does. When you are getting your first job out of school, you don't know anybody else doing the work you are about to do. You have to have an image of what a chemist does, and how they work.This image, if it has any sense at all, comes from teachers. Teachers and school friends will be familiar with the people who come into your chemistry classroom and what they say about you. The idea of school may well be one that appeals to you, but chances are that when you walked into chemistry you were greeted by someone who knew more about organic chemistry than you did. This may mean they had to speak to you before you could even get started, but it also means that you are going to find that being in their classroom is going to be a strange and alien experience.A teacher will probably give you some pointers about the evolution of chemical 'nomenclature', as he or she has his or her own idea of what makes a substance 'real'. They may even go so far as to break down how a given substance has been classified in other disciplines and present you with other places in the world where similar chemicals were initially worked on and placed in a glass jar and labelled. It is all a matter of personal preference, and of course the choice of different ways to classify a chemical will depend on the most recent developments in the field of chemistry.If you are the physical chemist, then you may like to think about why certain substances get labelled with specific letters. If you are the mathematical chemist, then you may think about the 'dots' and the 'squiggles' that you will find when you look up a specific ch emical in the dictionary.The two types of chemistry would also like to compare their tastes and interest and think about whether a particular chemical would satisfy their curiosity or not. When they do find the answer, it should be worth the effort and a considerable reward for them. They will have taken the trouble to do their research and think about things, which is often difficult to do as a student.So in organic chemistry you might find that you look up a particular chemical because you find it interesting, but you may also find that you are also looking up a class of compounds in the same chemical and want to try those. You may find that it is worth looking up a different type of compound, but you might just be interested in reading about how certain compounds combine, what reactions occur and why certain reactions occur.Nomenclature is part of how things have been classified for hundreds of years, and it is part of how they are classified now. So, try to learn about nomenclat ure and your search for that perfect chemical will be much easier.

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